Norbury Manor Primary School

Growing Against Violence Visit

During March, we invited ‘Growing Against Violence’ and PC Wardlaw into school to talk to our Year 6 pupils regarding various issues surrounding going to secondary school.


Growing Against Violence is a charity organisation that teaches children about the dangers of gangs.

The speaker from the organisation spoke to our children about a number of topics. The discussion started with her asking the children what they knew about gangs.

A discussion then followed to dispel the myths surrounding gangs. The speaker asked some thought provoking questions to the children, for example ‘does joining a gang mean that you will have more friends?’ and ‘do you know how gangs recruit young members?’


The speaker went on to talk about online safety and staying safe after school. The talk ended with the speaker talking to the children about places that they can go to seek help if they feel unsafe, or if they feel that they need to discuss personal matters.

The children learnt much from the talk, feedback included comments such as:

‘I thought I knew everything about gangs, but actually, I don’t know very much’
‘The talk was very interesting and I learnt some tips on staying safe after school,’
‘It was a bit scary. There is a lot to think about when you go to Year 7’
‘I know that there are people who can help me when I am feeling scared.’


PC Wardlaw visited our Year 6 children, again to talk about safety when going to secondary school.
She talked to the children from the perspective of the police and enforced to children the importance of staying safe, the age of responsibility and that there are consequences for actions.
She talked a lot about internet safety, and how to deal with it.
