Norbury Manor Primary School

GDPR Parent Permission Agreement

Parent permissions for content, media, photos and publications


Norbury Manor Primary School requests the consent of parents on an annual basis to use images, data and videos of their child for a variety of different purposes. Why do you we use images and videos of your child?

Norbury Manor Primary School uses images and videos of pupils as part of school displays to celebrate school life and pupils’ achievements; to promote the school on social media and on the school’s website; and for other publicity purposes in printed publications, such as newspapers.

Norbury Manor Primary School may take images ,write media stories or make video newsletters of individual pupils and groups of pupils to use on social media, the school website, in school prospectuses and other printed publications, such as a newsletter.


Without your consent, the school will not use images, quotes, media and videos of your child. Similarly, if there are only certain conditions under which you would like images and videos of your child to be used, the school will abide by the conditions you outline in this form.


In keeping with the new legislation for GDPR (Data Protection) , we request parents to re confirm their permissions to contact and publish information in connection with each child on roll at our school.


Please complete one response for each child

Please click here to complete the permission form.

For further information regarding GDPR - please click here