Norbury Manor Primary School

Harvest Festival Celebration


Harvest Festival Celebration.

On Friday 14th October 2016, Egypt Class performed a wonderful assembly about Harvest Festival.

The children performed a play about the little red hen, a story about harvesting crops, forgiveness and friendships.

The children performed beautifully and the narrators were fantastic in their ability to read so clearly, loudly and confidently in front of an audience.

In the assembly, the children also sang two harvest songs – these songs were beautifully performed.

Father Younis Francis, the vicar from St Philips Church in Norbury also took time out of his busy schedule to come and watch the performance, and gave a short talk to remind us what Harvest is all about.

The school also asked for the children to bring in donations of tinned foods, rice pasta, packet foods and toiletries.

These will be packed up and given to the charity ‘Nightwatch’,an organisation that acts as first line contact for homeless people, to sign-post them to other agencies, to provide urgent and necessary items of food, clothes, toiletries, pots, pans, household goods to people in need,  assists in helping unemployed homeless people (both financially and emotionally) to take up vocational training and education,  befriends homeless people to encourage empowerment and increase in confidence and  educates the community at large in Croydon about the realities of homelessness.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who donated for Harvest festival, your donations were greatly appreciated by Nightwatch.