Norbury Manor Primary School

Elf Diary

Stanley Elf message to Santa by

Elf report to Santa 

Day one At NMP - 01 December 2017


Wow Santa! Thank you for sending me to check in on such an outstanding place. I arrived early , signed in and got my badge (Miss Sue said later that she  was impressed at my smart uniform :-)

But Ooops! ....I was very nearly discovered by Mr Tony the Caretaker when he came to unlock the school.. I managed to hide behind the Christmas tree in reception and just in time - I think he may have noticed my footprints...

 And i think Leah and Zeeshan where also on my trail…

 Then I waited for the pupils to arrive (just like you said I should) and saw that they were very smartly dressed and on time for school! They shouted out "learners today, leaders tomorrow, make every moment count" as they lined up to go to class . I was very impressed and think that Elf HQ could learn a thing or two from these guys! 

Once the pupils had gone into class, I asked Ms Walton (Business Leader) to show me around the school (it's such a big place) and I peeked into classes as the pupils were learning.

I watched as the Outstanding Early Years pupils and staff practiced their nativity. Then I watched as other classes worked on their ideas for enterprise week (I think Sir Alan Sugar will be seeing some of these pupils on the Apprentice in years to come ). 

I went to the ICT room and wanted to see if the pupils were being safe online. And  -oops santa - I left an "elfie selfie" on the computers.

Lunchtime was so yummy - I tucked into some fish and chips and cook left me a special cupcake to bring back to you tonight.

There was lots of fun in the playground at playtime and lunchtime and I really wanted to join in…….maybe I can on Monday? please santa .... :-)

After lunch,I listened to Mr Ruddy (Assistant Head)  and his Tin Whistle group. Although, my ears are quite big and very sensitive, I was impressed at "twinkle, twinkle" being played .

I then peeked in on school council (they have some great plans for a buddy bench with the play leaders) 

I also added myself to Class Dojo (Ms Walton and Ms Williams kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn’t deduct any points) ….. Santa,  I really wanted to be able to give points to all the "good " children ...... I'm learning lots about good behaviour from them ! 

After my scrummy lunch and visits  , I had a nap zzzzzzzzzzz (it was a very long journey from the North Pole last night) . When I woke up it was nearly time to wave goodbye to the pupils!. 

Miss Molly then told me that school choir was about to practice - so I just had to race to go see them! I'd already heard that they had sung at the Christmas Fayre and were amazing! . Santa ... they really were amazing ! I was hiding above Miss Hena's cupboard and I was singing along (my voice isn't as good as theirs though, Miss Carol said I should practice more )

I waved goodbye to Mrs Potter (Headteacher) on my way to write my report to you tonight and she smiled , gave me a high five and said "Hey Stanley – make every moment count!"  

 I had such a lovely day !

 I guess I  had better sign out now and make my way back to the North Pole .... I think I have collected enough magic to make the journey a little faster.

see you soon Santa 

Elf wishes from

Stanley Elf