Norbury Manor Primary School

ELF Diary- 04 Dec

From :        To : Santa@northpole

Date: 04 December 2017

Hi Santa

Day 2 at NMP! And WOW! What a busy day!

I had quite a task sneaking into school this morning……oh my… all the children were looking out for me! Some weren’t quite so sure though, I think they might think I’m not real (but we know better don’t we Santa ;-) there’s no denying all the little magic clues I leave around.

So this morning when Mr Tony (Caretaker) asked me to help him, I jumped at the chance!. I was a busy little elf and helped him unlock the classrooms, picked up litter from the playground and helped setup the tables and chairs in the dining hall ready for lunch. During the walk around school, I checked off Mr Tony’s List and made sure that the classrooms were all safe and clean.  I followed all the “elf and safety” rules!.

Nursery went on a bear hunt this morning, they made their own binoculars to spot signs of life in the school grounds, and we stopped by the Bug House and Learning Garden and listened to the birds and animals. The squirrel that I met on the way said they’ve been very good boys and girls …

I peeked into every class today and also heard some amazing singing. Early Years were in the hall practising songs for their production and Tin Whistle group were practicing again today - oh,  if only every elf was as lucky as me, being able to spend the day in such a happy, musical school!

But that’s not all…Year 1 Children have been doing phonics assessments with Miss Jo…and I noticed that they had also put a festive touch to the Haven (just in time for me to come and take a look! It’s all looking very sparkly)

Listening to the phonics....I loved that some were real words and some were… wait for it…. “Alien words” I cannot believe the children can read Alien; they are so very clever!. Maybe they should learn to read elvish too! 

I completely lost count of how many children came in and out! So I may need to ask Miss Shakira to help me with my Maths!

I stopped by in Ms Stewart’s room at playtime and was hoping for a rest after such a busy morning. I saw that there were 3 children from year 5,  and one isn’t well enough to go outside to play at the moment, but Taleah and Aaliyah stayed in with him and were being such very good friends. They were playing scrabble and helping each other with spelling the words and clapping each other when they completed a word and got a point.  I really wanted to join in, but apparently you can only use real words in Scrabble, so “alien words” or “Elvish” isn’t allowed!  But look Santa, I had a go anyway and took a picture!

Santa, I really wish that all children are lucky enough to have good friends like this, who are kind, thoughtful and caring, who share their time and play so nicely…... Wouldn’t that make all children as happy as the children at NMP!

I looked in on Mr Witham and Poland class who are working on their webpage ideas based on “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” . It made me hungry and I had to go ask Ms Walton for a piece of her chocolate bar to stop my tummy grumbling!.

Thinking of food… you’ll never guess what?... at playtime on Wednesday they are going to do some baking- and I can’t wait. Maybe I should show them how to make Elf cakes mmm nom nom! – I promise to bring you one back..

It was a faster journey to Norbury today. It seems that the magic that I stored from the last visit to Norbury is working!

Elf wishes

Stanley Elf

PS - I’m looking forward to visiting Fred the frog in Nursery on Tuesday!