Norbury Manor Primary School

Come and meet our Playground Leaders


During September and October 2016, we selected 12 children to become playground leaders.


We introduced the playground leader scheme into our school to improve the lunch time experience for all our children. The playground leaders have been trained to make up games, include children in games and to help children build friendships.

Becoming a playground leader was a rigorous process which involved applying for the post, being interviewed for the post and lots of training.

Children were invited to put in an application, stating why they would like to become a playground leader.


The successful applicants were then interviewed by Miss Williams and Miss Amy. 12 children were then chosen to be Playground leaders. Several sessions of training were then provided for the children by Coach Julian.

The children have been in their new role in the playground for 2 weeks and judging by what they are saying, they are enjoying their new responsibilities a great deal!

Mina – Hiba ‘I get children to play with other children so that they have a better lunch time. I like being a playground leader because in the future when I apply for a job I can tell the interviewer I have lots of skills and training because I was a playground leader.’

Anish ‘I like being a playground leader because I like helping other children make friends. If a child has no friends then we can help them make friends.’

Nelma ‘The job of a playground leader is to help people who have no friends. If we see people that have no one to play with, we play with them.’

Mya ‘We have done training and learnt how to make up games and share these games with other children.’

Kiehanna ‘I like being a playground leader because I like to help other children and make sure that there are no problems on the playground.’