Norbury Manor Primary School

2022 Together with Croydon Adult Learning and Training

Together with Croydon Adult Learning and Training (CALAT), we ran a 12 weeks  Family Learning programme for families with English as an additional language.

Sue, an adult learning tutor from CALAT, came into school every Thursday to teach the group English Language skills. for the last half an hour of the session, the children joined their parents and the families did activities together around the learning that had taken place in the lesson.

The parents had to do an exam at the end of the course, and all the candidates passed with flying colours!

A number of parents have now taken steps to engage in further studies with CALAT.

We will be running other courses at school with CALAT throughout the year. 

2022 Together with Croydon Adult Learning and Training (CALAT)

We ran a 12 week Family Learning programme for families with English as an additional language.