Norbury Manor Primary School

Early Years Curriculum

Foundation stage focus refers to children from 3 years old to the end of Reception year. The philosophy underpinning the foundation stage curriculum is that learning should be planned and structured with an emphasis on fun, relevant and motivating activities.

The 4 main principles:

A Unique Child

· Every child is a competent learner who can be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured.

Positive Relationships

· Children learn to be strong and independent based on caring and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.

Enabling Environments

· The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.

Learning and Development

· Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. All areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected.


We provide a broad, balanced, creative, developmentally appropriate, and flexible curriculum that caters for the wide range of needs of the children. The curriculum for the Foundation Stage is divided into six areas of learning with targets to achieve called Early Learning Goals.

The six areas of learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Children learn how to work, play, and co-operate with others and function with others beyond the family.

Communication, Language, and Literacy

· Children develop competence in talking and listening, and in becoming readers and writers.

Problem Solving, Reasoning and Number

· Children focus on practical activities and using and understanding the language in the development of simple mathematical ideas.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

· Children develop knowledge and understanding of their environment, other people, and features of the natural and man-made world.

Physical Development

· Children develop physical control, mobility and awareness of space and manipulative skills in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Creative Development

· Children use their imagination and ability to communicate and express ideas and feelings.

Each area of learning has a set of related early learning goals. Stepping stones show the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that children need to achieve their early learning goals.

This helps to plan the next steps in children’s learning and gives examples of how to support as well as consolidate their learning.

Click here for the curriculum overview.

To find out more information, please contact the school office and ask for Ms Williams.